The Latest Developments in Artificial Intelligence

October 14, 2019 by No Comments

Artificial intelligence has long been at the forefront of modern technology, and we’re starting to see it integrate into our daily lives with each passing year. These are some of the biggest trends in AI that are sweeping the world.

AI Moving To Production

While much of the discussion about AI technology and machine learning focuses on user interactions (AI assistants, home speakers, self-driving cars), some of the best advantages can be found in high-output production usage.  While AI speculation has reached a fever pitch over the past couple of years, several businesses have been looking for an AI anything— a service, a plan, or at least the appearance of engaging with the technology. In 2019, most businesses expect to move from demonstrating and piloting AI technologies to soft releases and international AI system deployments.

Information is more important than ever— some have even said that “information is the new oil.” Data reams are essential to allowing AI engines to work and learn. So some traditional businesses are making use their business expertise to provide information on a product or service, including manufacturing and agriculture. One example is John Deere, who uses their comprehensive access to farm data to help farmers.

AI Will Create New Jobs

There has been a lot of concern in recent years that AI will begin to take millions of jobs away from people, especially when it comes to the vast automation that we’ve seen in the last few decades, with the worry that the same automation will make its way into new sectors.

Fact: It is likely that AI will create more jobs than it will kill. Sure, AI can automate routine work, starting with repeatable, observable tasks in lower-skilled areas, and may even begin to run certain industries, like online pokies. But research firm Gartner expects more jobs will be created by AI by 2020 than will be lost. Temporary job losses will often occur in significant transition periods due to technology, but market restructuring, growth, and recruiting will follow — and “AI is likely to follow this route.” Gartner estimates that 1.8 million jobs will be lost, especially in manufacturing industries. But they also estimate that 2.3 million jobs in education, health care, and the public sector could be generated. Growth in the industry would open up these jobs. And combining AI with human intelligence would make for a whole new set of possibilities.

Voice Assistants And Searches

AI assistants like Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, and Cortana are obviously becoming much more useful. Approximately 40% of all searches are now performed by voice assistants assisted by natural language processing. And a speaker compliant with Alexa is now owned by one in six Americans.

AI assistants are constantly improving as they always collect more user data. It helps them to enhance understanding of speech and demand management. Not to mention, the major players are rapidly adding features around these assistants and cultivating developer ecosystems. We will continue to better predict our attitudes and recognize our patterns, encouraging interventions and programs for us proactively.